Thursday, July 9, 2009

Track, Rest, and More...

It's been a busy couple of days. 

Tuesday night after work I headed over to the track to workout with the GBTC (Greater Buffalo Track Club). I decided to run to the track. It's only 2 miles and it was a nice day. I got there right at 6pm and we started doing our normal drills (high knees, butt kicks, a,b,c skips, strides, scissors, etc). Towards the end of the drills our Coach told us to think of a hard, but obtainable 5K time that we would like. Since my 5K PR is 27:36 I went with 25:00. Then, of course, he tells us that we are going to do that tonight. I thought, yea right. 

He had us do 12x400m and 1x200m with a 1 minute break between each. It was hard. I remember thinking I'd never be able to keep this pace up the whole time. I just kept mentally preparing myself to not be able to do it. Then there were only 2 left, then 1, then the 200m. I finished in 24:52!! I was so excited and so exhausted. The run back home was definitely a SLOW one. I wound up doing over 7 miles. I definitely wasn't expecting that. 

Wednesday I gave myself a rest day from running. I did 20 minutes of upper body and went for a couple mile walk with the Boyfriend. 

This morning I went for a 4 mile run. It was pretty slow. 10:13 min/mile pace. My legs still feel tight and tired from Tuesday. I need to get in the habit of doing yoga everyday. It really makes me feel better. 

Tomorrow I'm planning on doing a short 3 mile run and maybe some upper body and core work. Saturday will be a rest day. I'm heading out to Utica, NY with a friend from Rochester to run the Boilermaker 15K on Sunday. Neither of us have done this race before and we are really excited. I know other people from work and running club that will be there as well. It should be a good time. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your speed workout/5K! Awesome job! Speed work is great for lowering your race times and even helping to build your endurance for longer runs. Good luck on your upcoming 15K! You'll blow it away!
