Sunday morning I woke up around 6:30 to eat and head out for the run. I was supposed to do a 20K (12.4 miles) increasing my pace every 5K. I decided to do 2 10K loops around my house so I could come back and get some water. I also brought Jelly Belly Sport Beans with me and had some every 5K. This is the first time I ever used these. I have had them sitting around for a while and figured I'd give them a try. I usually use Clif Shot Bloks or Luna Moons.
So I headed out for my run around 7:30 and felt pretty good. It started raining a bit but not too bad and I ran in a cemetery with lots of trees. The first 5K was just about the right pace as was the second 5K. I got home and drank some water (I forgot to buy more Gatorade) and headed back out. I did the next 10K on a somewhat different route so I didn't have to run in the cemetery again, I like it but there are a lot of rough hills and it can get lonely. It had also stopped raining which was nice. The third 5K was just a little bit slower than the pace I should have been at and the last 5K was where the third 5K should have been. My legs were tired and couldn't go anymore. I figured since I haven't run 12 miles since before my marathon in May (Wow, really?), that it was OK that I not hit the pace exactly.
I came home and drank some Chocolate Milk, made a Smoothie, and stretched for a while.
This morning I'm not really sore. My abs and back are a little sore. I'm not sure if that's from running or if I slept weird. Tonight I have 5K Coaching and maybe a little upper body. We'll see.
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