Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hills, hills, and more hills

I currently live in Buffalo, NY but I am originally from a suburb of Philadelphia. Whenever I come to Philly I make it a point to run as much as I can. This area is full nice big, steep hills where Buffalo (at least in the city is not). The problem is I'm never here for more than a couple days. There are plenty of things to do, people to see, and late nights out. 

I'm down here for the holiday (Happy 4th of 
July!) and enjoying a more relaxed visit than usual. Yesterday morning I went out for a 4 mile run with a ton of hills. I did the run I usually do when I'm here backwards and WOW. I never realized how many downhills there were in the route until I was going uphill for all of them. It was definitely a workout. I even had to walk some and I still did the 4 miles in 40:08. That's definitely not the pace I need for the half marathon but with all the hills I was surprised I pulled a 10 minute mile. 

Here is the elevation chart but I really don't think it looks as bad as it felt:

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