Friday, September 18, 2009

Weekly Update

My week of breaking in new shoes while trying to do more cross training has been semi successful.

Monday I had 5K coaching run. I usually hang with the back of the pack since it's my rest day but after one interval of 4 min run / 1 min walk the watch of the coach that was leading the group broke so I was the only one out with a watch that could do intervals. I booked it to the front so we could stay with the intervals. I definitely ran more than I usually do or was planning to.

I was wearing my Brooks Radius and felt a little discomfort in my foot. I think it was more from the previous day plus from running slow and turning every so often check everyone behind me.

Tuesday I woke up early and decided to go for a quick 4 miler. I thought I'd try the Saucony Triumphs instead to see how they felt. Well, I fell in love. They were so comfy and I had no foot pain.

Wednesday I went the Ridge for a hilly 5 miler and also wore the Sauconys. Still no pain.

Thursday I did 4.6 miles with a couple friends. Still wearing the Sauconys and still no pain.

My foot pain is still there but it's not really a pain but a tightness. I feel it a little when I drive and during some points in a run but it's not really a pain, just a little tinge.

Today, after work, a running friend (R) and I are heading down to my mom's house outside Philly for the weekend. On Sunday we are going to do the PDR (Philly Distance Run). Ever since I went to this race last year to cheer on friends and family I have been excited to do it this year. The atmosphere was so great. While I like running in smaller races because it's just easier to run with less people around you, there is nothing like running with thousands and thousands of people.

I'm planning on carrying my camera with me during the race so hopefully there will be lots of pictures to post!

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